Innodata Ranks Among Major BI Solution Providers (Vendors and Integrators)

TAdviser Analytical Center has released a new ranking of the major BI solutions providers. In total, 40 companies took part in the ranking - vendors and integrators of BI-systems. Their total revenue exceeded 37 billion rubles in 2022.

Innodata Ranks Among the Largest IT Suppliers in Retail

The new TAdviser rating included 50 companies based on their revenue from IT project implementations in retail. Collectively, these companies earned over 46 billion rubles in this sector in 2022.

Digitalization of retail: directions in which the market digital revolution is developing

Personalization, the use of artificial intelligence, scaling-up of subscriptions, the use of augmented reality, new methods of payment for purchases, and improvement of order delivery services - these are the main trends in the digital transformation in retail industry.

"Innodata" for the first time got into the list of the largest companies providing services in the field of information technology according to RAEX-Analytics

Innodata was included in this rating for the first time and was in the 25th place in terms of the volume of services provided in information technology, and also became the 29th in the list of the largest software development companies.

SAS and Innodata will offer comprehensive solutions to their customers

Innodata, a Russian developer and systems integrator of Big Data and customer experience management solutions, and SAS, one of the leading manufacturers of innovative software and analytics services provider, announced a long-term partnership agreement.

How Much Does Artificial Intelligence Cost?

Analysts argue that the pandemic has become both an engine of development and an obstacle to it.